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When you agree to our clubs Terms and Conditions, you are agreeing to all of the following information and declarations found below.

Decleration - Child and Parent / Guardian Information

I confirm that all details are correct and I am able to give parental consent for my child to participate in and travel to all activities.

Club Governance and Safeguarding Policies

All members must read and agree to abide by all the clubs rules and policies found below in our Governance Handbook and Safeguarding Policy.

(If you cannot read or download these, contact the club)

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Our Governance Handbook contain all our clubs governing documents, policies, codes of conduct, forms and other important resources put in one document for convenience and ease of access.

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Our Safeguarding Policy contains all our clubs child specific policies, codes of conduct, forms and other important resources created to ensure a safe place for our volunteers, members and young people.

Decleration - Club Policies and Code of Conducts

I confirm that myself and my child(ren) have read and agree to abide by Mayo Bulls IIHC Policies and Codes of Conducts.

Decleration - Taking Part in Activities

I hereby consent to the my child(ren) participating in activities of the organisation in line with the Code of Ethics for Young People. I will inform the leaders of my children’s activities of any changes to the information above.


I confirm that all details are correct and I am able to give parental consent for my child to participate in and travel to all activities.

Notice - Photography/Recordings

Photographs/recordings will be taken during or at sport related events and may be used in the promotion of sport/club or even as coaching aids. To govern this we have a 'Photography and Mobile Phones Policy' in place to safeguard those taking part which can be found in the club's Safeguarding Policy.

Decleration - Emergency Medical Treatment

In the event of illness, having parental responsibility, I give permission for medical treatment to be administered where considered necessary by a nominated first aider, or by suitably qualified medical practitioners. If I cannot be contacted and my child needs emergency hospital treatment, I authorize a qualified medical practitioner to provide emergency treatment or medication.

Decleration - Drug Testing (elite players only)

I give permission for my child to be tested for prohibited substances in accordance with the Sports Council Anti Doping Rules (where applicable).

Notice - Club Registration / Development Fee

Registration is complete once member has paid the Club Development Fee applicable to them (Sr €20 / Jr €10). You will be invited to pay this shortly after completing the Club Registration form.

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